Category: ego

  • Happy 2022 – The Year of YOU

    Forget the “I’m gonna do ___” resolution nonsense. It does nothing but provide you with an endless loop of procrastination, and things to blame. It is time to walk the life you only talk about. Go into your Heart Center and figure out what that means. How do you want to live? What are you…

  • Fill-er Up!

    Remember the days of full-service gas stations? The attendant would come out and put gas in your car, clean the windows, check the oil and put air in your tires. Sigh. Would that those services come back, although if you ask nicely, the guys at the tire shops will air up your tires. But a…

  • The Pressure Is Building

    Today is December 14th and the Solar Eclipse. The energies today feel like they are pressing down upon us, sort of like squeezing a boil. (I know, gross.) Anger and frustration might be rubbing on your nerves. Breathe. Take as many quiet breaks as you can. We’ll get through this.

  • the Point of No Return

    There is no going back to the old way of living. That might sound ominous to you, like scary even. Today is 12/12, a powerful energy, a change. Today feels to me like the door has been closed to what was. The old ways are gone and the Light has won. It is the time…

  • Look Within

    The lockdowns of 2020 have forced us away from friends and family. We’ve been muzzled and distanced to prevent conversations and physical touch. Many of you are alone. It’s heartbreaking and unnecessary. It might be necessary, but not in the way you think. When I am disturbed by something, I search within to see both…

  • The Last Jedi

    I haven’t blogged much lately. I’m not feeling inspired, but maybe it’s just because the energetic field is a bit choppy. I feel like the Last Jedi, getting bounced around in my starfighter, dodging torpedoes, and the nearest LZ is through a minefield. I think you get the idea, even if you aren’t a Star…

  • Thought For Today, November 2, 2020

    It is one day before the US Election. I hope you have voted or plan to vote. Remember, it is your choice of who you vote for and no one else’s. You can even change your mind as you complete your ballot. Are you having a difficult time deciding on your candidate? Get your information…

  • Thought For Today, October 26, 2020

    Remember to put your focus and intention on what you want to create in your life. Be grateful and act as though you already have it. Put the power of the Law of Attraction into full force. Like attracts like.

  • The Great Reckoning

    2020 has been referred to as “The Great Awakening”, the year in which people are becoming aware and educated to all of the evil and corruption that has held control of our planet for centuries.  I am also calling it “The Great Reckoning” in which a mirror is being held up to each of us…

  • Thought For Today, October 18, 2020

    The energy of this past week has been very powerful. Are you feeling it? Me: third-eye headache, hips hurting, allergies, and not sleeping well. Plus, I can feel the different energies coming down from above. Are you experiencing symptoms? Rest as you need to, eat what your body requires, drink lots of water and just…