You Are The Awakening

Last week was a roller coaster ride. Many of us had high expectations and suffered a great letdown. Others felt that their goals were achieved. Everything is unfolding as per God’s Plan, which might not be the same as your plan.

The Great Awakening has been attached to external outcomes. Yes, a massive shift in the human consciousness is what this is about. However, we get very caught up in the process. The Great Awakening is about YOU. It is your transformation, your shift, your unique process. For when you shift your awareness, the entire collective experiences that shift.

Instead of searching for answers, solutions, actions or validations outside of you – look WITHIN. Begin with whatever fears and traumas are being triggered right now. This is the point of healing. It is not necessary for you to re-live those traumas. When the fear or whatever comes upon you, step back and ask yourself what are you feeling and why. Be responsible for your emotions and the caring of yourself. Have you become dependent on others for your care or validation? Take back your power. You are a sovereign being with the Divine right to abundance, support, love, respect and honor. There is absolutely nothing wrong with receiving support from others, but you must be responsible for yourself – because no one else can give you what you truly need – Self Love.

This is The Great Awakening – loving yourself as a Divine Sovereign Being. All the rest is in God’s hands.


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